NOTE: This website was last modified on September 10, 2024 at 12:25 UTC, and the wording of its articles may differ from a previous version you might have accessed. The date on the byline of each article indicates when that article was last modified. I may not endorse the views expressed in some of the external links, and I cannot vouch for the veracity or accuracy of their content; I include these just to help you in your own research.

Each of the articles of this webpage titled in big letters “A LITTLE COMMENTARY ON CONSPIRACIES, SCIENCE AND SPIRITUALITY”, “UN POCO SOBRE MÍ” (in Spanish), “PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS ABOUT LIFE” and “ME AND EXERCISE” can be read as a self-contained article, without having to explore any of its hyperlinks (hyperlinks are on the blue/violet text). You may wish to print or copy&paste these articles, which were meant to be suitable for a print publication: I frankly don’t know how much longer I will maintain this webpage.


Hello, and welcome to my website.

My name is Conrado Salas Cano. I studied physics at the California Institute of Technology, where I graduated with a B.S. in Physics with honors in 1998. Later I enrolled at Portland State University in Oregon where I obtained a M.S. in Physics.

In 2004 I moved back to my home country of Spain, where I have been based since. For a living, I help in my family’s real estate management business.


by Conrado Salas Cano · November 2, 2023

I will mention here some of the literature, or the authors of some of the literature, dealing with conspiracies, what might be happening in the world behind the scenes, and spirituality. It seems rather clear to me that these topics are all related, and my own spiritual journey was kick-started by the realization of what this world is really about and who might possibly be behind some important global affairs.

I may not entirely agree with the literature or the authors I mention here, and I certainly cannot vouch for the veracity of what they say. However, I have found it useful in my personal investigations to read the work or the authors I mention here, or at least I have derived excitement, succor or intellectual stimulation from reading the work or authors I discuss here.

Of course I am mindful of the self-professed (and sometimes card-carrying) “skeptics” and their sensational-looking swipes at giving the pretense of debunking some unorthodox claims –and some religiously orthodox claims as well-, all supposedly in the name of science. I once listened to the now deceased James Randi from a few yards away at a conference. I also once shared a table with the now deceased Paul Kurtz (the founder of CSICOP - The Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal-, the organization that was the forerunner of The Committee for Skeptical Inquiry). And I once shook hands with Michael Shermer. I bought and read Shermer’s hardcover book The Borderlands of Science. Here’s my take on this self-described “skeptical” movement:

The practical collusion of these two attitudes is that, when reviewing unorthodox claims of weird phenomena, convoluted mental gymnastics will be undertaken in an attempt to explain away and give the forceful impression of having “debunked” such claims.

Only very occasionally do these so-called “skeptics” concede that some marginal phenomena at the fringes of conventional, officially-accepted science are or might be real, in order to convey the public-relations image that they are not entirely closed to new evidence. Generally, these “skeptics” are the last in society to be convinced that a new phenomenon is real, being typically dragged kicking and screaming into the acceptance of its veracity. I like to refer to these self-professed “skeptics” with uppercase “S”, i.e., as “Skeptics”, in order to distinguish them from those who just practice healthy, open-minded skepticism fair and square, something which is generally advisable in everyday life.

“Skeptics” sermonize that they just apply ordinary skepticism to their attitude, and insist that they are open-minded, but my personal impression from meeting some in the past is that they typically are not. So what is healthy skepticism? To me, healthy skepticism consists of being on one's guard and paying attention if one’s intuition says that something does not feel true in what one is hearing or reading. The mind can't be used for this lie-spotting purpose because it has been programmed. This is where I markedly depart from “Skeptics”, because they despise intuition and ascribe full epistemological value to rationality and what they describe as “training in science”, i.e., Carl Sagan's mythical baloney detection kit as espoused in his book The Demon-Haunted World (which I bought and read). But, to me, this is all a clever use of language. The “Skeptics” and other shock troops of the establishment have excelled at the pointed (and more obscurely couched) use of buzzwords. “Rationality” and “training in science” in reality mean adherence to the “Skeptics”' implicit dogma of what's possible, sometimes stilted on logical highbrow sophistry, and often accompanied by a good dose of mental gymnastics.

Some of the rhetoric used by “Skeptics” might be vitriolic, but some is constructive, however, and some of the “debunking” declared by “Skeptics” might be warranted and genuine: i.e., some claims of weird phenomena coming from the fringes of “official” science might indeed be bogus. I must say that I was reassured when I learned that Michael Shermer, whom I once met personally, is now friends with Deepak Chopra, despite the disagreements the two have over fundamental issues.

Revelation and important insights don’t arrive as the result of arduous striving in thought and of racking your brains. They dawn on you, effortlessly, often when you least expect it. So, really, “free thought”, while possibly good and enlightening at first, can in the end become an oxymoron, because “thought” can entrap you and cocoon you in pain, shielding you from the larger reality.

Throughout the human body, there have been said to be seven main energy points, called chakras, and more or less I personally buy the chakra theory. (Apparently new chakras are now forming and/or being activated in some individuals and the chakra map might be changing). One’s best intuition and intelligence comes, I have personally concluded, not from head-based thinking, but from the living pulse of the heart chakra, the one located (at least for humans!) at the center of the chest (the actual organ of the heart is a bit to the side of it). One’s feelings are sensed to spring from the heart, and indeed they do spring from the heart (chakra).

One’s “gut feelings”, which originate from a chakra anatomically positioned a bit lower in the body, might be a useful guide too, in some situations. But I think, or better yet, feel!, that heart-sourced intuition is one’s best guide, even in matters of truth-seeking. This doesn’t mean that one’s head (or one’s gut!) shouldn’t play a role in a decision or truth evaluation process. The heart sometimes can “consult” the head –i.e., rely on knowledge gained through experience and remembered and codified –at least in part- by the brain, or the heart can “consult” the gut, but the heart should take the final decision, in my view.

So, certainly, and returning to epistemology, my advice is to not accept any asseveration at face value, and this includes what the professional “Skeptics” rattle and what anybody else, including me!, may say. Instead, I suggest you listen to your heart and your intuition.

I think that, at bottom, there is only one law of Physics or of Nature, and this is that Consciousness creates its own reality, since reality needs an observing consciousness to exist. But the Consciousness that generates its own reality is none other than God’s…, from which all things emanate –or emanated-. Many aspects of Consciousness, being intermediate between dead matter and God (and much closer to the former!), have little say in what happens to them, or at least that is sometimes the appearance while they are embodied in incarnate form. For one to start creating his/her own reality in a miraculous or extraordinarily paranormal way, as some facile New Age teachings tacitly imply one can do, one would need to, either be mindlessly swept away in those magical moments of Love (I guess I should capitalize the word)…, or realize deeply enough, in an experiential, raw, non-transferable, mystical way, that one is God, and such a realization, while one is incarnate in a human body, appears to be exceedingly hard.

Still, the nature of consciousness in humans and in most everyday living organisms has contributed to the solidification of reality into an ordered pattern which, for much of everyday experience, is roughly amenable to the usual laws of Physics and (if such a thing can actually be defined), the ordinary laws of Nature.


My works and publications (other than the essays on this webpage) are listed here.

Y ahora algunas notas y enlaces en español -If you don’t speak Spanish, you can skip this segment and move on to the next segment in English, or directly to the (self-contained) English PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS ABOUT LIFE section-.:


por Conrado Salas Cano· 5 de febrero de 2022


by Conrado Salas Cano· September 10, 2024

There are some scoundrelly humans in society. I have been taken aback on many occasions by the rascally behavior of humans around me, although I am far from being free of sin myself. I must confess that, on those occasions, I haven’t felt very human myself, although I was born in a human body, with its frustrating limitations. I have (often) been sick and tired of this life, wondering who the hell sent me here. In this regard, I have read Robert Schwartz’s paperback Your Soul’s Plan, and so I am cognizant of the spiritual notion that we as Souls plan our lives, before becoming incarnated in bodies, and I am no longer as skeptical of this notion as I once was; in fact, it makes a lot of sense to me now. It is said also that we as Souls, upon incarnation, forget all the pre-incarnation planning, as well as most or all of our possible previous lives, experiences or incarnations, in order to more intensely live the experience of this present life.

This world seems to be fallen from grace, with its low, unpleasant, chapfallen vibrations. Yet it seems that the whole of Creation may be magically alive and self-organizing. My feeling is that the second law of thermodynamics (which implies relentless overall decay) is in fact false, or at least applies only in entropic regimes, regimes where a positive Creative Consciousness is not in charge.

We can focus the light of consciousness on the great questions of existence. Does our physical body necessarily have to age and die?

I suppose that an intensely conscious presence can see through the illusion of Time. Eckhart Tolle has brilliantly suggested that the burden of time, the weight of a perceived past or an anticipated future, impairs cellular health, but that, with a proper spiritual presence, this burden stops being “accumulated” in one’s psyche and in one’s cells, or at least the rate of this “accumulation” slows down.

Some meditative spiritual practices such as yoga can activate energy flows, possibly drawing them from planes of existence with a somewhat higher vibration. (The term “Higher vibration” is used for these planes because these planes can be visualized as vibrating with a “higher pitched” musical vibration -using a musical analogy-, and being closer to God, so to speak.)

With a proper spiritual presence, combined with these active spiritual practices like yoga and with a proper diet, I suppose that biological ageing and deterioration –senescence- in the cells can be retarded, perhaps much retarded. Could a combination of this sort altogether stop, maybe even reverse, ageing?

It’s already been a few years since I turned 40 -that dreadful age when bodily deterioration is normally expected to gradually start-. I have tried to meditate, have since turning 40 done yoga, and have generally taken care of myself through a proper diet and exercise, but my hair has balded somewhat and I have a couple of gentle wrinkles on my forehead. (I don’t seem to be regrowing my lost hair, even though I have taken finasteride pills against my hair loss).

When it comes to the reasons for bodily death and for ageing, there isn’t just thermodynamics involved but also biology and other factors. Senescence may to a large extent be written in the genes. Of course thoughts and attitudes do play an important role. But we are all intimately connected, and seeing others who are close to one gradually age and senesce can be terribly dispiriting, reinforcing the notion that ageing is an inevitable part of life. And then, since one’s thoughts, ideas and attitudes play a role in the creation of reality through one’s consciousness, adherence to that notion contributes to physically creating further ageing and deterioration at the cellular and organismal level. Fighting ageing through positive affirmations, in the manner suggested by some facile New Age teachings or spiritual coaching advice, would appear to be a losing battle, once one has turned 40 or thereabouts.

It would appear that proper exercise, a bit of meditation and a proper diet, by themselves alone or in combination, can, like being blessed with good genes, only slightly retard ageing. So, barring a tragedy that may prematurely end one’s life, senescence seems to be in the long run inevitable, following maturity, for ordinary individuals, at least for ordinary individuals who have been born human! (a few animal species like some tortoises don’t appreciably age). It appears that senescence will continue being inevitable for ordinary humans until a form of powerful anti-ageing biomedicine, nanotechnology or bioengineering becomes available to most (ordinary) people beyond the few and only slightly effective dietary supplements currently in the market. May this day just be around the corner? Israeli scientists have apparently shown that hyperbaric oxygen therapy (the administration of pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber) can reverse processes related to ageing and elongate telomeres (which shorten with ageing). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is not cheap, though.

Another, disturbing anti-ageing option, now touted by the rich in Silicon Valley, evokes the legendary or alleged regenerative powers in vampirism and human-blood drinking, is something akin to parabiosis, involves essentially controlled blood transfusions from the young to the old, is riddled with serious medical risks, and calls for ethics scrutiny.

Yet, miracles can happen.

And I said “ordinary” humans before because some individuals appear to be, well, not ordinary,… and I am not referring to individuals who suffer from that exceedingly rare, and apparently genetic, disease which arrests the body’s development causing pathological infantile bodily features, a disease called Neotenic Complex Syndrome. No, Leonard Orr (who has now passed) said he met over eight individuals (mainly yogis in India, I suppose) who had lived past 300 years of age. Pola Churchill, who interviewed Leonard Orr, further claimed that not all of these very long-lived individuals looked old!

And then, Levi Ben-Shmuel, writing for HuffPost, the big American news&opinion website and blog, has claimed to have met a 2,000 year old master at his ashram in India, and Levi says he was struck by how gracefully and easily this master, called Bhartriji Baba, moved. Levi had years of experience with the body in athletics and yet had seldom come across someone with Bhartriji’s vitality.

A paperback by Bob Frissell, tantalizingly titled Something in this book is True…, discovered for me the alleged existence of Mahavatar Babaji, an ageless yogi and saint who can purportedly manifest any body he wants. Haidakhan Babaji, a teacher who appeared in northern India from 1970 to 1984, and who reportedly performed miracles, is said by some to be that same Mahavatar Babaji. In this regard, I must recommend the book that is credited with seriously introducing the supernal figure of Babaji to the West: this book is Paramhansa Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi.

I think it is safe to say that none of these individuals, if they are indeed so very long-lived or somewhat ageless, have resorted to pharma-based biomedicine, surgery, bioengineering, nanotechnology or hyperbaric treatment (and I also very much doubt that they resorted to vampirism or the drinking or transfusion of human blood). On the contrary, they seem to have somehow activated a latent power of their consciousness or of their holistic being, empowered by yoga probably, and aided possibly by a careful natural diet and also perhaps by a herbal treatment à la Ayurveda. These individuals are exceptionally gifted and have devoted most of their lives to very rigorous ascetic practices, but the benefits of meditation and yoga are clearly open to all.

Jesús Jofre Milà, whom I have met in person and who I think is sincere and not deluded, has chronicled in his book Contacto con Sharhim- Un ser de 5ª dimension (available only in Spanish) that in the 1980s, in the course of an amazing trip to Peru, he met a certain elusive monastic order whose male adepts looked no older than 30. But he saw the passport of one of the adepts and its age was over 90! (There were also three women in that group: one looked younger than 30; another one looked older -but not much older- than 30; and the other, the group’s seemingly clairvoyant leader, also looked older than thirty although she still had a youthful face). In fact, the female leader enigmatically told Jesús she had always been on Earth, which probably meant that she was an immortal. Again, I think it’s safe to say that the members of this monastic order did not resort to vampirism, blood transfusions, pharma-based biomedicine, surgery, bioengineering, hyperbaric treatments or nanotechnology. However, the members of this monastic order did holistically balance the subtle energies of their bodies inducing cellular regeneration,  and, with a spiritual purpose in mind, these monks very much minded their diet, even the colors of the clothes they wore. Once Jesús sat in a circle with these monks and they all started repeating the spiritual mantra “Aum” with fervor, with the conclusion that they all achieved a partial, paranormal or magical, levitation: Jesús says in his book that he levitated although his dangling feet still touched the ground. Later in his life, in 1989, Jesús Jofre Milà also reports having had an amazing personal encounter with a highly evolved and benevolent (angelic, perhaps) being, a tall blonde being with an affable humanoid appearance, but made mostly of energy akin to light. -Jesús says that this being then took him to a mother ship parked way outside the Earth-.

The higher-“pitched” the spiritual vibrations –for lack of a better term- that a plane of existence has, the “higher” and closer it is to God-the-Source-of-All-things (who sits at the pinnacle of Creation); the vibrations of dead physical matter are typically quite low.

In some starry-eyed spiritual circles, there is talk of an incipient worldwide process that is –more or less appropriately- called “Ascension”, whereby the vibrations reached by the consciousness of humans and other life-forms on planet Earth (and possibly elsewhere in our universe too), are said to be undergoing a steady “rise”. This rise is said to be driven, or at least assisted, by a desirable and providential process affecting our solar system (and possibly the rest of our physical universe too). The Earth, along perhaps with the whole universe, is said to be on the eve of a fabulous transformation that will affect its very nature. It is also said that some good souls are working to help this “Ascension” move forward. It is argued that the powers that be and dark forces that want to be in charge of this world are doing all they can to keep the vibrations low, such as by spreading fear. It is further ventured in these spiritual circles that “Ascension” will over time entail changes in some bodies, leading eventually perhaps –at least in some cases- to the body’s transmutation into an (imperishable) body of light or a more “energetic” state, literally glowing with light. Such a transmutation into an imperishable and glowing body of light would, to me, be a most desirable form of bodily immortality.

Jesus Christ is said to have given off a burst of radiant energy at the moment of his Resurrection. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, at that time Jesus Christ attained a so-called glorified body (perfected and impervious to disease and senescence, presumably), and then, at the end of his ministry on Earth, Jesus Christ “ascended” or was taken up (body and soul) to heaven. I personally find this Catholic scenario possible. This heaven may have been a “superphysical” plane of existence, “vibrating” “higher” and closer to God; a place physically above the earth’s surface in the skies; or both. Other prophet-like preternatural individuals may have also been in olden times bodily taken up to “heaven” in a somewhat similar vein, according to various interpretations of the Christian Scriptures and the lore of other faiths. Imagining that a fate not too different from this may soon open up to human beings en masse, a spiritual current within what might be broadly regarded as New Ageism has come up with the generic term “Ascension” to designate what it regards as the impending transformation of Earth and humanity into a new state, where bodies of light and glorified bodies will be commonplace, and where (formerly) human beings might be able to easily travel up –in a sense, be raptured- to “heaven” with their bodies… and/or many aspects of “heaven” may be brought down to Earth. Wondrous paranormal powers, and creation on a macroscopic scale through the power of intention alone, will also have become ordinary, according to a certain (very optimistic) interpretation of this grand Ascension vision. This celestial fate (David Wilcock would probably use the term “apotheosis”) will have been enabled, at least in part, by the cosmically-driven “rise” in vibrations which would have happened of late, and which would presumably perfect and exalt all things, lifting them “higher” and closer to God.

Is “Ascension”, as bandied about in these New-Age-type spiritual circles, real? If it is, the grim realities of everyday life seriously test my hope that I will see glowing bodies of light becoming commonplace during the course of, well…, my lifetime. Nevertheless, a good book to study is Susan Shumsky’s Ascension: Connecting with the Immortal Masters and Beings of Light. I like this book even though it fails at times to successfully tease out plausible historical reality from embellished myth, as it studies the possible instances of Ascension and masterly immortality (or quasi-immortality) in legend and lore.

I think I would like to be ethically rejuvenated, and I am pretty sure that I would like to evolve into a being of light and/or acquire a glorified body (ideally I think I would like to create any body at will!)…, but how would I go about this?.

In November 2017, Jesús Jofre privately transmitted to me what could perhaps be a masterly lesson: he said that I can actually achieve rejuvenation and transmutation through the latent power of my own enlightenment alone, aided only by a careful natural diet and perhaps some proper exercises or practices which my intuition can naturally discover, and, moreover, that for this to happen, I just need to sincerely desire it, cast my desire into the Universe…, and then totally forget about it. If true, this teaching would be fabulous. But I do not sufficiently trust this teaching. Therefore, and since I’d rather not try distasteful or downright ethically questionable practices like the ingestion or injection of human blood, if a safe, principled –and affordable!- form of biomedicine or bioengineering is developed down the line that can be medically shown to extend one’s lifespan with a good quality of life,…, well, then, despite my dislike of most if not all of transhumanism, I guess I will be tempted to try that form of biomedicine or bioengineering, unless, that is, something miraculous happens to me before which gives me the flawlessly youthful body I desire (or think I desire). I have already taken resveratrol-based nutritional supplements which have been approved here in Spain where I live.

Returning to sociology, I feel that efficient and wholesome organization of a society may perhaps not require government as we know it. This may be particularly so if effective and precise telepathic communications become possible on a mass scale. However, my perception is that humans as a whole are still not spiritually ready for the abolition of standard governments. There are still too many scoundrels around. And I have even wondered if humans are ready for the blessings of so-called “free energy" (as extracted from zero-point energy and the like), great paranormal powers or open benevolent ET contact. In my view, these things should happen only as evil disappears from our society.

I hope, probably with justification, that a total global economic crash will not happen. By subscribing to a brighter economic future, we can help create a self-fulfilling prophecy of a positive nature. But, in the times we live, that means saying a big loud “NO” to the 2030 Agenda, which is really about decimating humanity and enslaving us via AI, not about sustainability.

For all the talk there has been about gold as an asset in these times, I still haven't bothered yet to trade any of my money for gold. After all, even the act of trading money for gold takes time and energy which detracts from the value and quality of my life. While I don't discourage the purchase of gold as a personal preparedness measure, I prefer the spiritual gold that results from a successful personal or individual alchemy.

My understanding is that the financial system works by lending fake money, totally or partially fabricated out of thin air with no backing on actual wealth, and then by demanding that the loan be paid back in full with real wealth, plus interest. This certainly seems to be wrong. However, it is virtually impossible these days to work without money or banks, so I am not saying that taking out a loan at some point, if one is in need of such a loan, is wrong! And I don’t like digital currencies: even if they are backed by real wealth -such as gold-, they will probably entail more daily exposure to EMFs (such as those emitted by electronic devices), which irritate me. (And of course, there is the obvious issue of the government’s monitoring of electronic transactions, which is not the case for cash)

Work in a business-as-usual world can be a Monday-thru-Friday cesspit, and so, in such an environment, my view is that physical activity is important, at least as long as our bodies are (mostly) confined to this particular plane of reality, with its often depressing and miserably low rate of vibration. Vigorous physical exercise cleanses the body, energizes one’s outlook, and releases endorphins, which are natural antidepressants. I feel that good health in a hyperconnected, computerized society calls for periodic physical exercise, and also for periodic disconnection from digital electronics and EMFs (such as from Wi-Fi). This kind of detox will continue being important even if free-energy-generating devices become widely available. (I have heard that some of these devices create a general “life-charging” ambience around them). Or, perhaps, in spiritual terms, we will not rightly deserve these free-energy-generating devices while our lives are Ego-driven and attended by shit of various kinds. Feces don’t seem very divine to me, but an organism or being that sustained itself only off air and energy, wouldn’t –I imagine- need to excrete them. As for a body or being literally glowing with light, it could conceivably defecate luminous, physically glowing feces, but somehow I find this unlikely. And as regards a glorified body, like that attributed by the Catholic Catechism to Jesus Christ after the Resurrection, well, I also find the concept of glorified feces hard to envision.

I suppose that, from a final, metaphysical standpoint, we are all God because All is One; however, I find that the Way of Humbleness is the better Spiritual Path. I prefer to think that I am inconceivably insignificant without God. In fact, without God I am truly nothing, I realize. Yet, by surrendering to God, I suppose one aligns oneself with the omnipotent Divine Will behind the Universe, and That is real power.


by Conrado Salas Cano · October 25, 2023

I was born in 1975, and, intermittently, I was a runner from about 1990 until 2017.

I took a shot at races until 2013. My personal best in the standard marathon is an official 2:59:33 at the 2010 international Zaragoza marathon, over a course which, if I recall correctly, was certified to be (at least) 42,195 meters long, and had no elevation differential between start and finish. In this race, I inadvertently shaved off a few yards (ten yards at the most) because a couple of gentle curves along the course were not very well signaled, although it is practically certain that I made up for those yards along the rest of the course, for example in the pit stop I was forced to take. I explained this later to the race organizer and he assured me that my time was valid.

Around that time, I produced one or two agonistic training sessions that indicated I had a greater running potential than what that personal best indicates, although this was never translated to an actual race result. In one memorable training session in late 2011, I may have averaged under 4 minutes/km for 20 miles. If I didn’t, then I must have come really close to averaging under 4 minutes/km (or 6:26.24256/mile, I have a weak spot for decimals).

On June 9 2013, I accomplished with some elation, and under bothersome rain, my best valid, official 10 km time, a 38:31, in a pretty flat road race over a properly-measured course with no elevation differential between start and finish.

After that, however, some nagging, persistent right hip pain compelled me to see a doctor, and I was diagnosed with a cam-type femoroacetabular impingement in my right hip. I was told that I hadn’t been born with the ideal hip joint for running. I began to think about trying my hand at a triathlon, where good running is important but is not everything.

On June 17 2014 I had a femoroplasty, and the hip surgery and subsequent rehab went very well. In fact, for months after rehab I seriously contemplated attempting a triathlon, and logged 12 hour training weeks that combined stationary biking, swimming and increasing amounts of running.

But I never actually attempted a triathlon, and, in fact, soon thereafter I began to think that my years of pushing myself hard to be competitive as a stand-alone runner might be over. I clearly didn’t have the genetics to excel as a runner, ever. And I no longer had the motivation to try. Besides, I was too old…, or so would conventional sports physiology dictate.

I had become tired of competition, not just in sport, but in life in general.

In November 2017 a routine X-ray check revealed that the cartilage in my hip joint was all but gone. I was later informed that this was largely, if not entirely, due to a slight congenital malformation. I thought that, for safety, I should refrain from further running, at least until I could magically or biomedically regenerate my hip cartilage! But, even without further running, my hip surgeon’s prognosis was that I could need a prosthetic hip at some point in the distant future. I don’t think this will happen but, since November 2017 until early March 2023, I only did the vigorous exercise that made me feel better while avoiding too much impact on my hip joints (that is, swimming and riding the stationary-bike, for the most part). In a non-vigorous way, and with a more spiritual orientation, I have done a little bit of very basic yoga (when I try yoga, I have to adapt some asanas to the condition of my hip).

In March 2023, I was diagnosed with a hernia. I successfully underwent surgery to fix the hernia after which I did practically no exercise for a month in order for the scar of the surgery to heal and for the mesh that has been installed inside my body to perfectly settle. Now I am back to exercising. And, in fact, on October 24, 2023 I was told by a trauma specialist that, since I have felt no pain in my hips since 2017, I can try resuming running, with caution.


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